Workshop Greek Entities in Roman Times: Peoples, Communities, and Cities

Rodopis is pleased to announce the programme of the workshop Greek Entities in Roman Times: Peoples, Communities, and Cities, organised in collaboration with the Department of Literary, Philological and Linguistic Studies of the University of Milan.

The workshop will be held on 6 and 7 March at the University of Milan, sala Malliani, Via Festa del Perdono 7 and will see the participation of eleven speakers and Prof. Takashi Fujii (Kyoto University) as keynote speaker.

It will be possible to follow the workshop online, on the MS Teams platform. Please request the link by Tuesday 4 March, by sending an email to


Thursday 6th March
14:00: Sara Borrello (UniVe – Rodopis), Federico De Ponti (Sapienza), Francesco Reali (UniBo – Rodopis), Federico Russo (UniMi): Institutional greetings and introduction

Session I (Chair: Sara Borrello)
14:15: Silvia Gazzoli (SNS Pisa) Poteri e limiti delle comunità locali in epoca adrianea: il caso della diga di Coronea
14:45: Francesco Carriere (Università di Bologna) Antony and the Greek Elites in Anatolia (39-31 BCE)
15:15: Julian Gieseke (Universität Bielefeld) “I’m still standing, after all this Time”: The Bosporan Kingdom in the Roman World
15:45: Coffee break
Session II (Chair: Federico De Ponti)
16:15: Manon Courtois (Sorbonne Université) The Elateans’ Decree in Honor of Stymphalians (IPArk 18), a Way to understand Relationships between Rome, the Achaian Koinon and Achaian Cities at the Beginning of the Second Century BC
16:45: Fuki Ono (Kyoto University – SNS Pisa) Ionia e πάντα τὰ Ἑλληνικά nella Periegesi di Pausania
17:15: Shanshan Bai (Sichuan University – University of Groningen) Demos in Roman Spartan Inscriptions: Democratic Factors in an Oligarchical Society
17:45: Discussion

Friday 7th March
Session III (Chair: Francesco Reali)
09:00: Riccardo Candini (Università di Bologna) Magistrature greco-romane in Grecia settentrionale: un’indagine sulla figura del politarca
09:30: Tommaso Greco (Università di Trento) Ateleia e giochi nella Corinto romana. Il potere dell’intermediazione nel rapporto tra Roma e le città della Grecia
10:00: Thomas Gavin (Oxford University) Concord and Koina: Provincial Assemblies as Loci for Cooperation in the Roman Imperial Period
10:30: Coffee break
Session IV (Chair: Federico Russo)
11:00: Evdoxia Mintzaridou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) The Public Face of Local Identity: Greek Communities, Roman Power, and Provincial Coinage
11:30: Rogier van der Heijden (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) “Two Kinds of People: Greeks, and Everybody else who wish They was Greek”: Forms of ‘Greekness’ and Cultural Capital in the Multi-Ethnic Roman Levant
12:00: Discussion and conclusion of the workshop
Keynote lecture (Chair: Federico Russo)
12:45: Takashi Fujii (Kyoto University) Greeks as Roman Soldiers: Republican Reality and Imperial Memory
13:30: Final greetings

Flyer of the conference

[Italian version]

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